VAU offers accessible wellness retreats throughout the Mid-Atlantic region—from the beach to the mountains—bringing together vets, their families, and caregivers for a much-needed respite from their day-to-day challenges and struggles.
Retreats include lodging and activities. Travel is also covered if funding is available. Priority goes to purple heart recipients, amputees, TBIs and wheelchair veterans with mobility issues that require accessible properties.
If you are a veteran with PTSD/depression diagnosis we have a beneficial monthly Richmond Retreat you are welcome to register to attend. Details below...

VAU helped me regain my confidence. They provided a brotherhood back in my life, learning how others cope with stress, and listening to their stories of War. GOD Bless and Thank you for caring.

SFC David Palacios was the lone survivor from an Explosive Formed Penetrator attack and was awarded two Purple Hearts and a Silver Star during his service.
"Thank you all, SO much, for everything. We were so lucky to meet so many great people during VAU beach week, 2017! Because of the generosity of VAU, we were able to completely decompress and truly relax. We unplugged from the stresses of actual life. We were able to reset our hearts and souls. We engaged people who have gone through similar, daunting, life-altering, events, and push through the negatives and move towards a positive direction."

Brandon and Jessica P. are 1 of 9 veteran/family attendees at our annual Carolina Beach Retreat. Brandon has a horrible disease Huntington's, and with Jessica's support, they are an incredible team making the best of life.
Brandon served honorably with a special operations background for numerous years....
His team was involved in a heavy firefight in Afghanistan that 60 minutes honored in a documentary stating: Not since "Black Hawk Down" in Somalia have we heard a story of a small band of elite American soldiers who were so badly outnumbered and fighting for their lives...
In the documentary Brandon states, "Well we're still surrounded, we'll keep fighting... So i pulled out a notebook and wrote my wife a quick note to say goodbye. I knew If I'm going, I'm taking as many as I can with me."