Tom ashmore
Born and lived in Connecticut until moving to Virginia 5+ years ago. I graduated bootcamp at Paris Island in 1964, then went to Camp Lejeune N.C. to E company 2/6 Marines. Continued training and spent time in Cuba and various other combat missions, then in mid-1965 was sent to Vietnam to serve with 2/4 known as the Magnificent Basterds. My time in the Marines was cut short after receiving three Purple Hearts in Vietnam. I am not a hero, but I have been fortunate to walk among several of them. Having a passion for martial arts since the age of 14 I formed what is known as Cane Loyalty where I teach Disabled Veterans how to defend themselves with their walking cane known as an American Martial Arts called Cane-Fu. Originated from a company called Cane Masters and Grand Master Shuey. Recently I have been working with Veterans that served in Afghanistan that are having trouble coming to terms with the current situations. Vietnam Veterans understand their frustration as we went through the same thing. I am a life member of the Richmond Chapter of the Military Purple Heart, Life member of VFW post # 4639 Williamsburg VA. and a life member of the DAV, Been married to my wonderful wife Betty for the last 54+ years. She is a very special lady because I know I could not put up with me for 54 years. She has a tee shirt that says, “If you think being a Marine is tough, try being a Marines wife.”
Together we raised a daughter Bridgette who is now a professional dog trainer and our son Randy who served 20+ years in the US Coast